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My name is Krisztina. I've started to learn photography when I was around eighteen, but I'm drawing and painting since I was little. I like those photos most, that are make me feel I'm loking at a painting. I'm not very big fan of 'creating picture with editing' although I use editor programs,  I try to take pictures that I only need little adjustments not major changes. There is some exception, when I'm experimenting and I have to admit, it's great fun. Still, I try to stick to originally enjoyable pictures.


Work Experience


I've moved to London five years ago and I've started to take picure for my friends live performances. Three years ago I've got the first official offer to take some photos for an online magazine the Distract TV on the London Fashion Week. 
Since then, I regularly take pictures on music events, gigs, and theatre performances and rehearsals - which is my favourite and most challenging job. 
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